
     Hello all! My name is Kaleidoscope, and I just want to provide a little insight on what exactly this blog is about.

    I love to talk. I have different interests from week to week, and I will annoy my friends and family to no end by talking about them. So I figured, hey, what if I could rant to strangers on the internet instead? That way people will actually be interested in what I have to say! So I did!

    Although I have a variety of different interests that are ever-changing, you can expect a few to stick around and have regular posts about. Some examples include:

    - Skylanders

    - Pokemon

    - Rubber Ducks

    - Musicals

    - Animals

    - Dragons and/or Fantasy

    - And probably many more!

    Hope you'll stick around to see whatever shenanigans I get up to.


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