My Frustration With Trap Team

     From what I can see online, it seems like the majority of the Skylanders community really loves Trap Team. I can understand why. I've never played it myself, but the mechanic of trapping villains inside of traptanuim crystals is one I really want to try out. So when I saw the version of the game for Wii at my local game store, I had to pick it up.

    At this moment, the only portal I had was the one that was released with Swap Force and Imaginators. As cool as this portal is, I knew it wouldn't work for Trap Team because of the lack of a crystal slot. So I searched through their bin of portals and found the Rift Engine portal, which does have this slot. So I picked it up, along with a few Skylanders. One of which was Snap Shot so I'd have a trap master to play as, and they unfortunately didn't have any traps, so I checked out and left.

    I had done very minimal research on portals at this point. I knew that Trap Team had its own portal, and that the one I had picked up was not it, that it was released with SuperChargers. I thought if it had a crystal slot, I would be able to use it. So I plugged the portal into my Wii U, put the game disk in, and got all excited to play the game. Only for the error screen to pop up saying I had the wrong portal plugged in.

                                                                    Traptanuim Portal
Original version of the Rift Engine Portal (left) and the modified version released with Imaginators in some areas (right)

    I was so confused. I decided to do more in depth research on portals, and I realized that the Rift Engine portal, did not in fact work with Trap Team. Only the Traptanium Portal can be used with it. "Ok," I thought. "That's fine. I still have a new portal, and I can keep the game so I'll be able to play it when I do find the right portal."

    I have been to so many game stores and antique stores and have found so many Skylanders items. I got a Glow in the Dark Cynder at one of them, and that same place had Gold Wash Bucker, I didn't end up getting it however. I also got a Pumpkin Eye Brawl at that location. I've managed to get a hold of three portals, all but one game, and over 50 figures at different locations. But not one of them has had a Traptanuim Portal. It has been months.

                                                                 Glow in the Dark Cynder

    Occasionally I search for them on Facebook Marketplace, but the only ones I can ever find there are for the Xbox One or 360. If you don't know, those are only compatable with their respective consoles, whereas the PlayStation and Wii/Wii U portals are interchangable. If I do find one that will work with my system, it's too far away.

    The really annoying part of this is I still physically own Trap Team. I can still put it in and get as far as the main menu, but no further. Because somehow the speakers on the Traptanuim portal are such an integral feature that just having the crystal slot just won't do. 

    In conclusion, Trap Team looks like such a fun game that I am unable to play. Whenever I reorganize my collection I have to stop when I come across it and sigh at what I've done to myself. I am in agony. I will be so glad when I finally get to play it.


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