Skylanders I Want Someday

     My Skylanders collection is growing at a rapid pace, but there's still many I would love to have that I unfortunately haven't come across yet. This is a general list of some such Skylanders.

    Short Cut

    Short Cut is a Trap Master introduced in Trap Team. He is the undead element, and uses a giant pair of traptanium scissors as a weapon. I love characters with a chaotic energy around them, so its no wonder why I want to be able to play as Short Cut.


    Sticking with the theme of the Trap Masters, next on the list is one of the magic element, Enigma. He attacks with a traptanium staff, and while I think he would be fun to play as, I kind of want him for his design more. I mean, look at him. And his figure is even better.


    I also think his backstory is unique, and a fitting background for a character is really important to me.


    Ok I know all of these so far are Trap Masters. I swear I'll be done with them soon, it's just that most of their designs are just so darn good. I can't be blamed for that. Anyway, Wildfire is in the fire element, and I've heard great things about his gameplay. Also, again, the design.


    Last Trap Master, I swear. I've always been a fan of the tech element, and I feel like Gearshift would be incredibly fun. I've heard people speak well of her moveset, and I love the way she's holding her traptanium gear in her figure and official art.

    Magna Charge

    I only have two swappers, Wash Buckler and Blast Zone, so that doesn't leave me with many combinations to work with. Magna Charge would bring me up to nine different swap combos, and although any swapper would achieve that, Magna Charge is just the coolest of them all. Again, I love most of the Skylanders in the tech element. Magna Charge being made out of magnets also reminds me of my favourite Pokemon of all time, Magnemite.


    I have seen Flashwing twice. Once at a local game store, and again at an antique store. However, both times I decided my money would be spent on different ones instead. I regret not picking her up, as I've gone back to both locations afterwards and someone else already had. She is in the earth element, and I like her a lot because she's very unique when compared to other Skylanders of her element. They all have to do with dirt, and ground, and have very generic colour palettes. Because Flashwing is based on different gems and crystals, she stands out to the rest of her element, and I love that.


    I'm not too crazy about the SuperChargers, but Stormblade honestly looks pretty cool. I'm excited to see what they did with her moveset, and maybe if I end up using her a lot I can search for her vehicle, the Sky Slicer. Other than that, I don't really have much to say about her.

    Ro-Bow and Wild Storm

    I'm grouping these two together because I want them for the same reasons. The characters themselves, I probably wouldn't choose over other Skylander Senseis. However, these two both unlock a new level in Imaginators. Ro-Bow unlocks the Lost Imaginite Mines, and Wild Storm unlocks the Cursed Tiki Temple. If I had to choose between the two of them, I'd probably take Wild Storm. Why? The Cursed Tiki Temple has Cynder as a character. I adore Cynder, so much to have four figures of her (and counting)!

    Chompy Mage

    I recently played through Giants, and Chompy Mage was definitely my favoutire boss fight. I think he's such a cool concept for a character. I love how in the credits of this game, him and Flynn just have an ordinary conversation. Best credits in the franchise for that reason. Additionally, I love his history in the games. He first appeared in Giants, he is a trappable villain in Trap Team, and he comes back once more as a Sensei in Imaginators. He appears in half of the Skylanders games, his design and concept are perfect, what is there not to like about him?

    Of course there are tons more Skylanders I would love to have, but these are at the top of my list. Do you have any of these Skylanders? Let me know if they're worth it! Feel free to share what Skylanders you hope to get as well!


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