Top 5 Favourite Skylanders

     Does anyone play Skylanders anymore? I mean, the last game came out way back in 2016. I'm sure everyone has fond memories of playing one of the games with friends or family, but it's 2024 now. It's not even on any newer consoles, it couldn't possibly still have fans.

    Wrong. I still play Skylanders.

    My collection isn't the largest, by any means, but I still have a decent amount. I want to go through some of my favourites. The hardest part of all of this was narrowing it down to just five. So here we go. First off, in no particular order, we have...

    Boom Bloom

    My first Skylanders game was Imaginators, so because of that all of my first Skylanders were Senseis. I got the Enchanted Elven Forest pack at one point, which came with the adventure pack, an air Creation Crystal, and of course, Boom Bloom. She was my favourite from the day I first saw her. She is a life element from the ninja class, and I don't expect any Skylander to ever live up to her.

    My love for her isn't purely based on nostalgia though, she has an incredible moveset. Her main attack is hitting enemies with her vine whip, but she can also send out spores that attack enemies and send out a vine that traps enemies and does damage to them. She's really fun to play as.

    Hot Dog

    I'm a dog person, through and through. So when I learned there was a fire dog released in Giants named Hot Dog, of course I was going to become obsessed with him! Not only does he have the perfect name, his moveset is entirely fitting. His primary attack is Firebark, where he barks and balls of fire do damage. Pretty simple. His second attack can send out a wall of fire, and in one upgrade, it turns into multiple dog heads that all use their Firebark when Hot Dog does. But the best part of him is his soul gem, called Ding Dong Ditch. After using his Comet Slam attack, he leaves behind a flaming bag that explodes when enemies come into contact with it. You can figure it out from there.


    Drobot is a dragon with a robotic suit he created himself. As I love both technology and dragons, him being on this list is a no-brainer. He practically carried me through the first two games, Spyro's Adventure and Giants. His basic attack is eye lasers that you can continuously shoot at enemies with, his other base attack is releasing gears to deal damage, but what I think I like most about him is his unique flying ability.

    Most dragon Skylanders are able to fly, and they gain both speed and resistance during this. Drobot's flight ability, however, works a little different from the rest. He can fly using his robotic suit, but you can't just hover in place, and he'll stop flying once he hits something. One of his upgrades unlocks hover mode, where if you hold the button that makes him fly, he'll hover facing one direction and you can move him around for as long as you hold that button. A further upgrade allows him to damage things around him while flying.

    Pop Fizz

    As I've mentioned above, I grew up with Skylanders Imaginators, where Pop Fizz was a major character. Not only that, he was a main character in the Skylanders Academy series that was released on Netflix. I learned about him from both of these appearances, and I loved him for his chaotic energy. Once I got his figure, my love for him only grew. His moveset might be one of the best I've ever seen. His basic attack where you can throw potions gains new upgrades that allow you to switch potions that have different effects. 

    Additionally, one of his upgrade paths lets you combine these effects. His other primary attack, the one that allows him to enter beast mode, deals a ton of damage. In his other upgrade path, he gains a new attack he can use in beast mode depending on which potion is active. I recently obtained a second Pop Fizz, so I might make a post comparing upgrade paths once I max him out.


    I'm going to be completely honest here. I don't know why she's one of my favourites, all I know is that she simply is. It could possibly be because she was my first dragon Skylander, so it was the first time I was able to experience the flight ability. The rest of  her abilities are pretty useful too though, she has lightning breath, a shadow dash ability that leaves behind damaging ghosts, and while flying she can summon a bolt of lightning that pushes back enemies. I also like her for her history, as the Skylanders franchise as a whole wouldn't exist without her and Spyro. (Also, I have her glow in the dark chase variant)

    I have many other Skylanders I'd consider some of my favourites, but these are the five I narrowed it down to. I love hearing about other people's opinions as well, so feel free to share what your favourite Skylanders are, or if you haven't played in years, who you used the most. And hey, if that's you, maybe this is your sign to get back into it!


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